There are many reasons of a boiler keeps turning on and off—referred to as short cycling—can be a serious problem, in part because it reduces efficiency, but more importantly, it can drive up your energy bills and even possibly damage the boiler itself. You can apply for a free boiler grant uk, and if meet the eligibility criteria then go on and have a new one instead.
On the other hand, if you can’t get the grant, then to diagnose and repair the on-and-off issue quickly, it is important to understand the causes. Here are six crucial reasons why your boiler turns on and off.
1. Issues with the Thermostat
A poorly working thermostat is one of the most common reasons that your boiler keeps turning on and off. It may give your boiler a signal to turn on when it really doesn’t need to. For example, your thermostat could be in a bad place, like next to a drafty window or in direct sunlight. You may want to take into account that it is either old or has some other malfunction that causes the thermostat to signal improperly.
Solution: Ensure your thermostat is placed properly, without dust or direct sunlight. You may need to consider replacement with a programmable or smart thermostat, which provides better control over temperature and reduces energy use.
2. Boiler Keeps Turning On: A Key Sign of an Oversized Boiler
An oversized boiler might heat up too quickly and turn off soon after firing. If your boiler keeps turning on and off, then it is highly inefficient and can make it wear out faster. This arises from a miscalculation at the time of installation, with the heating installer’s figuring to include extra heating capacity to be on the safe side.
Solution: Contact a heating professional to evaluate your boiler size. If it is correctly sized, you must either replace the old boiler with the right size or adjust the output of the boiler if possible.
3. Water Pressure Level Issues
The low or varying water pressure can also be a leading cause if your boiler keeps turning on and off. This is because the boilers work in a specific pressure level, and if this pressure goes too low, the boiler cuts off. When the pressure builds up again, the boiler restarts, leading to a cycle of on and off.
Solution: You should always look at the pressure gauge of the boiler to ensure that the water pressure is within the required limit. If it is constantly low, there may be a leakage in the piping and the problem with the pressure relief valve. In such cases, get a professional to diagnose and repair the problem associated with pressure.
4. Air in the System
Air bubbles trapped in your central heating system can cause to a boiler keeps turning on and off. Such air locks interfere with proper water circulation, pressurizing the boiler to turn on and off, striving to maintain the desired temperature.
Solution: You need to bleed your boiler’s radiators and release any trapped air inside. This can often resolve circulation issues and prevent the boiler from short cycling. If air continues to be a problem, there may be a more significant issue with the system that requires professional attention.
5. Malfunctioning Pump
A pump is responsible for circulating water in your heating system. If your pump is faulty or set at an incorrect speed, it can cause your boiler to overheat and shut down too early, hence causing it to short cycle.
Solution: Get a professional to inspect the pump to ensure that it is in good working order. If the pump is defective or incorrectly set up, then it must be replaced.
6. Blocked Heat Exchanger
Lastly, a blocked or partially blocked heat exchanger can be a reason due to which your boiler keeps turning on and off. This heat exchanger in a boiler is designed to transfer heat from the burner to the water in your system. If it became clogged with debris or scale, this could lead to the boiler overheating and shutting down as a safety precaution.
Solution: Regular maintenance is key to avoid this. Have your heat exchanger cleaned and inspected, along with other critical boiler components, by a professional annually.
Through this article, you will come to know the common reasons that can cause boiler short cycling and can help you be on your toes. The efficient and reliable service of your boiler during the whole life of your device depends upon regular maintenance and professional inspection. Follow the solutions to the stated problems and keep your household warm and cosy in winter.